illustrator homework 1
The selection tool (v) One of the most basic and essential tools in Illustrator is the selection tool. The tools are used to choose a specific portion of an item. To select a specific part of an object, the selection tool employs a variety of methods, including the selection tool, Direct selection tool, group selection tool, magic wand selection tool, Lasso Tool, and perspective selection tool. Each selection tool serves a distinct function and has unique properties. I can move, rotate, scale, skew, or distort the item while using the selection tool as needed. I think this tool would be easy to use. I would use it to select specific parts of a shape and distort it how I want. I found it interesting in the video the different types of selection tools adobe illustrator has. How To Use The Selection Tools In Adobe Illustrator Type tool The type tool is a fundamental component of Illustrator. This tool is perfect for altering sample t...